Daniel Osorno after his time in music

As a player, he was one of the historians who wore the Atlas shirt. Could your career be extended? Sure, but bad decisions did not allow him to exploit his potential as he would have liked.

Daniel Osorno admits that he is not a white dove, not everything was bad, but there are steps that I know have cost him dearly like him Interests which he had in 2003 with his band “Pura Caña”, with which he lost large sums of money.

“It may be that of the band (which would change his career), but I did it for that InterestsMany people think I’m a drunk, but I don’t drink or smoke or anything, you have to prove it with facts; you have to show what it is, I thank my wife and children, I know that these situations are difficult, you have to be as a person what you are, in the 20 years (career) I was happy “, he said.

The change does not mean regret, because Osorno believes that the other side of the story is not told, the one in which he offered his human side and offered help to people who really needed it.

“I thank God that I have my family, I have my things, that’s how networks are. Why don’t I talk about the people I helped? Many things I have accomplished in life and they are enough, I know what kind of person I am, I was wrong, I have fun, they are things from the past ”.

Chatting with MillenniumInterests He spoke about the embezzlement he suffered with the “Pura Caña” project, which taught him to learn to trust the right people.

“I traveled to the United States (Colorado Rapids) and there was no communication, I left things because the band stole details and everything, but I went to sing (2007), it was not the same chemistry and I said, well , it’s time to put it aside. I don’t regret anything, I liked it, it lasted five years and it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve experienced, the only thing I ask is to pay attention to what you do, for players to do everything 100 percent and that you are not distracted from anything ”.

And it is that often the professional football player lives in a balloon that does not allow him to realize how small actions bring big consequences.

“You have to be careful in what you do, in the networks, at the parties, now the players have to prepare and be different to take advantage of the opportunity, that they take care of themselves, that they understand that there is time for everything. It’s not the same anymore, everyone finds out here on social networks, even the same friends throw you upside down, if you want to have a party, do it with your trusted people and at home ”.

Manager and entrepreneur

However, Osorno ruled out being ruined by the situation, as speculated in October last year, where he even had to go out to deny the information through social networks.

“There are things that someone lives, is a public person and knows how to tell things as they are. I admit that I lost the band, but I didn’t lose 10 million dollars, I didn’t play in Barcelona or Real Madrid, there are things in private life that people should not enter, they have to respect a little “.

In fact, life has now taken a 180-degree turn for the red-black youth team working as manager of LBM’s Jaguares de Jalisco, as well as a facet as an entrepreneur and talent promoter through various football academies all this in the middle of the pandemic that is being experienced because of covid-19.

“It analyzes what we are good at and where we are bad, we have to strengthen the family, to unite more, to do things we have never done, it is a sacrifice for all people, sometimes someone gets angry at home, but we have to be careful It has projects like the Academies, Las Leyendas del 99, the matches we have suspended, it is somewhat complicated, we have to hold the rod, so that we hope it will end soon and we will enjoy with family and friends ” , a conchis el.
