Cynthia Rodríguez appears dancing with Camilo | THE IMPARTIAL

Mexico City. – Cynthia Rodríguez captivated with her beauty in each of her appearances on the program “Venga la Alegría”, where with her charisma and talent she became one of the audience’s favorites.

During the morning programming of the Colombian singer, Camilo was present in the program, where he sang some of his musical hits and gave an interview.

The former Academy did not miss the opportunity and decided to do one of the “challenges” of the singer with the song “Machu Pichu”, where he showed that he knows each of the steps by heart.

#Machupicchu with @camilo “wrote the host.

Of course, other conductors such as Rogger Gonzáles and “El Capi” Pérez did not lag behind and published the respective choreography of other songs of the artist.

In the publication, Cynthia received endless compliments from her fans, while others expressed their “envy” for dancing with Camilo.

It should be remembered that the program “La Voz Kids” is currently on the air, where Evaluna’s husband is one of the coaches with Mau and Ricky, Belinda and María José.

Camilo forms one of the most beloved couples in the show with Evaluna, both of them shared a part of their love story on social networks.

On this note
