Cyberpunk 2077 studio denies rumors of “content reduction”

CD Projekt Red has denied allegations made by an alleged anonymous member of the Cyberpunk 2077 development team, which included the claim that it is planning a huge overhaul of No Man’s Sky in June. The post of the alleged insider was copied and pasted around the forums and recapitulated in videos for a few weeks, probably because it gave fans hope for the future of the game, while offering a lot of drama to amaze. Last night, the CDPR said that “it is simply not true.”

The CDPR said on Twitter“Normally, we don’t comment on rumors, but this time we wanted to make an exception, because this story is simply not true.”

Their tweet indicated a GameFAQs post saying they were posting another forum post from someone claiming to be an anonymous Cyberpunk developer. It’s been a while, you see.

“CDPR has been hurt to keep investors safe and sound,” the post said. Now, developers are hearing plans for a “No Man’s Sky” return at the end of June. The first two patches should appear in mid-March, despite what the best performers said. There will be major departures from the studio in the coming months. The morale of the developer has dropped all the time and Sony has fried our asses due to the gigantic volume of refund requests. “

The post also made complaints about the huge sections of the game that were cut, including a “huge underground part of the city”. He added: “Most of the apartments with ‘Closed’ were once looted, we have removed over 50,000 lines of dialogue and I think the June update will bring a lot of reduced content into the game.” And he had a lot of discussions about what was changed or wrong, including the change of Johnny Silverhand’s vocal actor to Keanu Reeves.

In short, the post gave hope to people who want the CDPR to review and expand the game with patches and ammunition for those who resent their decisions. I think the CDPR is fed up with everything. And given that lawyers are trying to get a class action lawsuit between investors, they are probably very eager to control the rumor mill.

Sure, I’d like to review CDPR and expand Cyberpunk 2077. Despite its technical and design issues, I really enjoyed the time I spent in Night City with my new cyberpals (in the last 100 hours now, says Steam, though includes a long time in Photo mode). I was one of the people who called Cyberpunk one of our favorite games of 2020. And, without a doubt, something went well with the creation of the game. But rather than be invested in rumors and hopes, I will wait to actually see CDPR.

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