Cyberpunk 2077 has fixed the problem of saving corruption

People on the street (ee-da-dee-da-day) in a screenshot Cyberpunk 2077.

Quick fix 1.06 cyber on Cyberpunk 2077 on the cyber basket overnight, crushing a small handful of bugs, including an important one: the problem of saving files that get damaged if they reach the size of 8 MB. Cross that line and cheat, your rescue is gone, unrecoverable. This really only affected people who did a lot of handicrafts, but they certainly sucked for them. So now it’s fixed.

Along with changes to make the console version fall less, the 1.06 hotfix notes list two things that are relevant to us on the PC:

  • Dum Dum will not be missing from the entrance of Totentanz during the second conflict.
  • The 8 MB limit for saving the file has been removed. Note: This will not fix saving saved files before updating.

As someone whose save file is over 5 MB long before the end of the game (I did a lot of secondary things and worked pretty well), I was worried. I’m glad to see him. We hope that those who face the limit have a safe rescue that they can return to, seeing that the corrupt cannot be recovered.

You may think it’s a niche issue, but if you’re investing in a craft, you should probably go hard. It takes a lot of skill, time and creation to make the feature worthwhile, encouraging players to create lots of items so they can get the equipment they deserve. Another way in which the prey system of this game is broken, boring and – worst of all – unchanged.

I enjoy the big and bold world of Cyberpunk 2077, the closest I felt to a game coming to Mega-City One (including the game Judge Dredd!) And the other dizzying dystopian cities I grew up with as a kid in the 80’s. It’s already a wonderful walking simulator, as long as you do not linger long enough to be distracted by missing pedestrians, stupid cars and other such shortcomings. I also have some interesting characters and stories at heart. But, as I said in the Advent calendar, only bug fixes can’t make Cyberpunk 2077 a great game – too many systems are essentially stupid. Did the fingers move to the relaunch of the “improved edition” next year?

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