Cyberpunk 2077 glitch trailer has flying cars, entropic trees and hordes of doppelgangers

If you’ve heard that Cyberpunk 2077 is a little glitchy, but you haven’t played it yourself to find out for sure, this video is really the only thing you need to catch up with. It’s a summary of the biggest Cyberpunk 2077 glitch moments and it’s a blast to watch whether or not you enjoy the game. In addition, you have to hand it to Redditor Papar_RZ_2T for the perfect placement of the tone “Something feels here …” “… Don’t you say?” exchange at the end.

I observed these stupid gliches images in a trailer. from r / cyberpunkgame

Night City looks like a terrifying place to live. Imagine you are going for a walk in the afternoon, looking up and seeing a car with its whole ass screaming at the sky from the sky. Or jump in the car in the morning just before it explodes – talk about a case on Monday. There is also a car that travels with a car, a motorcycle that travels directly through a car and, of course, flying cars. Indeed, cars seem to do their own thing in Night City.

However, I think the most troubling problem is the palm tree that goes from the simple ease of palm trees to total movement and growth so fast that it consumes the entire visual field. And not only does it grow vertically like a normal palm tree, but it expands in all directions and just takes over the world. That tree is a nightmare fuel.

The nightmare tree of Cyberpunk 2077

The nightmare tree of Cyberpunk 2077 in its first stages of entropy (Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

Some Cyberpunk 2077 errors are hilarious, some are terrifying, and some are actually quite useful, such as the one that gives you superhuman speed. Regardless, CD Projekt says it’s hard to work on resolving all Cyberpunk 2077 errors, ensuring that any related costs are “irrelevant” compared to restoring its reputation, so enjoy them as much as you can.
