Cure Insurance’s Super Bowl announcement of workplace harassment dubbed “Decade Failure”

“The advertising failure of the decade”! The car insurer’s Super Bowl ad, which jokes about a male employee “taking it out of his pocket”, is criticized for making fun of harassment at work

  • The Cure Auto Insurance ad aired just before the Super Bowl break
  • The announcement featured the intense use of a double meaning that suggests harassment
  • The ad was heavily mocked on social media for not being appropriate
  • This is not the first time Cure Insurance has caused controversy during SB

A Super Bowl ad from a regional car insurance company was outrageous after he appeared to make fun of harassment at work.

The Cure Auto Insurance commercial, which aired just before the break – the maximum viewing time, was quickly marked as “the advertising failure of the decade” and “the worst Super Bowl ad” on social media.

Some have even said that he should never have appeared, posting on Twitter that someone “should have vetoed” the video.

The ad setting is an office, where a woman sitting behind her desk is approached by a male and female employee.

Cure Auto Insurance's Super Bowl ad draws heavy criticism on social media

Cure Auto Insurance’s Super Bowl ad draws heavy criticism on social media

The ad included people talking about an

The ad included people talking about an “opinion” in a way that suggests harassment at work

He ended up with the scene supervisor saying he would take it [an] opinion 'if he is drunk

He ended up with the scene supervisor saying he would take it [an] opinion ‘if he is drunk

‘Miss. Davis, Tommy just brought me to his office and gave me his opinion, ‘said the employee.

“I didn’t just beat him,” Tommy said. – He went to her. Besides, I have a pretty big opinion.

“Oh, please, it’s not that big,” replied the employed woman, with the double meaning accentuated along.

“It only took me a second,” Tommy said.

“Tommy, not everyone in this office wants your opinion,” the supervisor replied.

“Okay, well, what about you last week at the happy hour when you begged me for my opinion?” Tommy asked.

– I had a jug of daisies. I would have taken Doug’s opinion, “said the supervisor.

Surprisingly, the ad – which seemed to make harassment at work easy – did not get favorable reviews on Twitter.

Ian Schafer wrote that “it should never have been approved” to be broadcast.

Some specifically mentioned that advertising seemed to mock harassment at work.

“Mocking sexual harassment at work is not a good thing,” Jenn Sullivan wrote on Twitter. “Just my opinion … I wasn’t impressed with Cure Auto Insurance.”

Another user claimed that it was “the worst advertisement of our time” and one said that it was “the advertising failure of the decade”.

James Dwyer undoubtedly had the most biting answer, saying that “it was actually written by Louis CK”, who was accused of sexual misconduct and harassment of women.

According to Fast Company, a 30-second commercial in this year’s Super Bowl cost about $ 5.5 million.

It’s not the first time the company has faced controversy with their Super Bowl ads, which seem to look for a shock factor every year.

In 2015, Cure Auto Insurance aired several commercials that amused themselves with the Deflategate scandal that shook the NFL at the time.

The ads featured a talking, kissing blue ball and featured the hashtags #DontTouchYourBalls and #LeaveYourBallsAlone.

In 2016, the company’s ad showed a man distracted by a nurse while his father was lying dead, another ad that at least seems to indicate harassment.

A 2018 ad aimed directly at the New England Patriots for not following the rules, ending with an emphatic “Go Birds” in hopes of a Philadelphia Eagles title.

Cure Auto Insurance generates a lot of controversy for a regional company – it only serves drivers in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

It’s woketopia! Don Jr. leads the charge against “soft” Super Bowl ads – while Springsteen calls for “unity” on behalf of Jeep and Lenny Kravitz claims that “we are all billionaires” for Stella Artois

Donald Trump Jr. expressed dissatisfaction with the perceived liberal nature of this year’s Super Bowl commercial, complaining after a single advertisement that they were a “woketopia.”

“A commercial [sic] in and it’s already woketopia, “he wrote on Twitter, along with an eye emoji and game hashtag.

It’s unclear which of the dozens of ads Don Jr. was referring to, but Sunday’s event featured a series of star-studded commercials focused on national unity, social consciousness and the coronavirus pandemic.

Hundreds of other disgruntled spectators seemed to agree with Don Jr., throwing away what they perceived to be highly politicized or “soft and too awake commercials” that they said should not take place in sports.

“I would like to watch a sporting event without involving politics or awakening! Sport was an outlet to get rid of it! Now, not too much, ‘wrote Robert Woods on Twitter.

Donald Trump Jr. expressed dissatisfaction with the perceived liberal nature of this year's Super Bowl commercials, complaining after a single commercial that they were a

Donald Trump Jr. expressed dissatisfaction with the perceived liberal nature of this year’s Super Bowl commercials, complaining after a single commercial that they were a “woketopia.”

Rock legend Bruce Springsteen, who avoided advertising during his decade-long career, made his advertising debut in a call to unity for Jeep

It was filmed in the geographic center of the USA

Rock legend Bruce Springsteen, who gave up advertising during his decade-long career, made his advertising debut in a call to action for Jeep, filmed in the US geographic center.

Stella Artois aired an ad with Lenny Kravitz, in which Fly Away singer said, amid widespread economic hardship, that

Stella Artois aired an ad with Lenny Kravitz, in which Fly Away singer said, amid widespread economic hardship, that “we’re all billionaires,” because the average human heart beats 2.5 billion times in a lifetime.

No user seemed to agree with Woods, writing, “Amazing how in the age of extreme political fairness and virtue, SuperBowl ads are the worst I’ve ever seen.”

“I remember a time when America united and laughed out loud at the Bud Bowl commercials, while the Broncos or Bills were getting wood,” wrote a third. – You know back before the Woke Mafia took over and injected false racism. Bring me back to the ’80s and’ 90s and let me live there permanently. ‘

Some social media users claimed that they refrained from watching the Super Bowl completely, considering that the event will be full of “political pandering”.

“I realize from the tweets in my timeline that the #SuperBowl break had the predictable political prediction we all expected. I’m glad I didn’t even bother, ‘wrote Juno Maxwell.

“The Super Bowl announcements were the best from 1998-2008. Now he is too gentle and a little too awake. That’s what it is, “added Just Frank.

Other users rushed to give Don Jr. advice that he might have to turn off the TV if it’s too “triggered” by commercials.
