Cuban actor Rafael Ernesto Hernández calls on government to acknowledge failure to lead nation

| 20/02/2021 – 15:37 (GMT-4)

Actor Rafael Ernesto Hernández called on the Cuban government to acknowledge that “they have failed in the direction of the nation,” he wrote on social media.

This is what the famous actor on Facebook asked: “He is good enough to justify the political and economic insufficiencies with speeches spent. You acknowledge that you have failed to lead the nation. “

“The homeland does not begin or end in the Council of State or in the Palace of Conventions. Down the podium and up the plurality of voices “, added Rafael Ernesto.

The actor also referred to the new musical hit, Homeland and life, starring Yotuel, Maykel Osorbo, Gente de Zona, El Funky and Descemer, who faced a strong government media campaign.

“Everyone bears a piece of the country at his own expense and has the right and responsibility over it. And I am a country and I choose life and freedom, not death “, said the actor.

In addition, he criticized the Cuban government’s media attempts to qualify the issue as an annexationist and met as follows:

“No one wants an annexation … and the one who is an annexationist rejects his country. But anyone who thinks that a political party and its interests are greater than the country does not appreciate it, that is why it does not deserve it. Anyone who has capriciously tried to link it to an ideology and put it in its service does not know what homeland means. Isn’t this also a way to attach it? “He said.

The actor joined the demands of a large part of the citizenship and an artistic movement that won the sympathy of many Cubans to demand a political change from the government.

“The consensus supported by fear, ignorance and opportunism has ended. For a plural country. The homeland is you, the homeland is me … the homeland is humanity “, he underlined.

In a previous post, the artist had criticized a report by journalist Lázaro Manuel Alonso for NTV where he slandered the content and the protagonists of Cuba’s new urban anthem, which has already surpassed one million views on YouTube.

“Look at this unbearable grotesque talking about annexation!” The actor wrote about one of the Cuban government’s favorite qualifications to discredit any opposition.

“Who will be the ventriloquist who has his hand in the rectum of this doll?”, He added with irony, “here no one wants to change their masters, but rather not to have them”, he concluded.

Rafael Ernesto is known for his roles in soap operas and national soap operas and for his performances in films. City in redo (2009), by Carlos Espinosa, Lisanka (2009), by Daniel Díaz Torres and The immobile traveler, by Tomas Piard (2007),

He also played with the popular theater company El Público King’s Night, from director Carlos Díaz.

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