Cruz Azul, the victim of ridicule in the networks after the publication of the official photo

Mexico City /

What a controversy the official photo generated The Blue Cross. On social networks, the club posted on the field a traditional image of the team. The wheel with blue uniform and mask, yes, Pablo Ceppelini was not contemplated despite being registered with the team.

In particular Ceppelini he was one of the most sought after football players negotiate your way outHowever, no agreement was reached, so they had to stay with the Uruguayan.

One of the criticisms made by the followers was the alleged use of an image editor to add Ignacio Rivero.

Another debate that arose was the change they gave the blue uniform with short white, because many prefer to continue to use everything in blue tone and others appeal to the nostalgia of the classic contrast of blue and white, imitating the equipment of decades ago.


