Cruz Azul advances in the negotiation for Kanu del Botafogo VIDEO

Mexico City /

After Botafogo will launch a counter offer for The Blue Cross for the 23-year-old defender, Kanu. The two teams seem to understand each other better, and the negotiations look like this The car may become its first reinforcement in 2021.

MedioTiempo may know that the heavenly directive has accepted this there is a “call option” clause in the loan, good Machinery I was just asking Kanu on the loan and repay it within a year.

However, given the problems of decline Botafogo, the brazilian board wants to give their young people the confidence that in a year they can convince the sky and that they will get their card in the near future.

Thus, these days are the key to negotiations that seem to be successful. Besides the fact that the time is coming for both clubs and for must complete the situation as soon as possible.

