Covid: we are vaccinated to get out of a crisis – podcast News

There have been incredible scientific discoveries in the last 12 months. Vaccines with this speed have never been designed, developed, tested and approved. But with the NHS close to breaking point and days after an alarming number of Covid-related deaths, there has been a new urgency in the government’s vaccination efforts this week.

The scientific editor of the Observatory, Robin McKie, he says Anushka asthana that scientists work 24 hours a day in laboratories to manufacture vaccine doses and that, after high-profile problems with testing and tracking systems, there can be no excuse for eliminating the vaccine.

  • Clips from: Good Morning Britain (ITV); BBC News; Today (BBC R4); Sky News; BBC breakfast

Tara Miah receives the first of two shots of the Pfizer / BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine from a member of the Newham Health Trust team in London.

Photo: Leon Neal / Getty Images
