Covid in Honduras in 2021: 33,497 positive cases and national alarm

Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

The Government of Honduras, through its national risk management system, Sinager, reported in recent hours on 669 new cases positive of covid-19 in the country. The trend of positivity is advancing towards alarming figures and worries the population of Honduras.

Health and emergency authorities in the face of the pandemic have indicated that 2,083 tests diagnosis and, although it does not represent 50% of the positivity, it is even a significant increase in the number of daily positivity.

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In Sinager’s latest reports on the number of positive cases and deaths caused by covid, the increase is substantial compared to 2020. The deaths are taking place in the country’s 18 departments, and the national health system is on the verge of collapse.

Cuts Yes Francisco Morazán the departments with the highest incidence remain; both account for almost 60% of cases nationwide. Cities, especially in the Sula Valley, are places of unbridled traffic on the streets, without the adoption of biosecurity measures by citizens.

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Meanwhile, in the interior departments, the positivity is low due, among other things, to the fact that they have a smaller population. None exceeds 6%, however, the growth worries the authorities, the population and the health professionals’ union, because in these regions of the country, some very far away, there are no triage centers or hospitals able to meet the incessant demand of patients with the disease. .

In addition to biosecurity measures promoted by the country’s authorities, the media, municipal organizations and campaigns, such as the use of face masks, antibacterial gel and social distancing, there is also the detection of symptoms individually to protect people who have not been infected. .

Honduras, they have indicated ever since The central government, awaits the arrival of the first batches of AstraZeneca vaccine at the end of February, through the initiative COVAX, which aims to get the drug to both underdeveloped countries and countries in economic crisis.

To the pandemic’s attack on the national economy was added the scourge left by tropical storms And e Iota. The destruction caused by these phenomena has left thousands of Honduran families in ruins, destroyed businesses and scared foreign investors, which has dramatically increased unemployment in the country.
