Coronavirus cases are falling all over the world

Daily cases of COVID-19 are currently declining in most parts of the world, and deaths – which rose globally by the end of January – are beginning to decline.

The whole picture: We can learn so much from this 30,000-foot view and there are many fears from the emerging variants. In addition, the cases and deaths were so high that, even after descending from the top, we are still quite close to the top.

  • But this is the first time since the pandemic began that cases are falling in virtually every region of the world at the same time. Globally, virtually the only increasing number are vaccine doses given.
  • And in some places – South Asia, for example – there is growing confidence that the worst pandemic can be passed even before vaccines become widely available.

Our thought bubble: Optimism did not age well during this pandemic, and this chart could look very different in a few weeks.
