Conor McGregor did not lose to Poirier, he made a fortune

Conor McGregor was eliminated for the first time in his entire career in UFCfor his four previous losses were all by obedience. But Dustin Poirier he found the precise and powerful blows in the second round to send him to the ground and then finish him off in a few seconds.

A painful defeat in the Octagon, no doubt. But it is impossible to ignore that for the Irishman it was a great victory in finance, because he pocketed no less than $ 5 million to be under two full rounds in the fight. Poirier, the winner, took a million.

But there is still the most extraordinary figure and it has to do with money corresponding to each fighter for the number of fans who paid to see the event Live. Everything indicates that it would be around in that section $ 20 million extra for McGregor.

Of course, at the same time, the two-time UFC champion could have missed the opportunity to face Manny Pacquiao in the short term, because this event no longer generates the same interest after its wrong step.

There one can understand the weight of McGregor’s defeat against Poirier, if this is taken into account. the only time he fought a boxing superstar like Floyd Mayweather, he won about $ 85 million which is the biggest bag he has ever made in his entire career.
