Confession !, Celia Lora presents her love, a woman

Celia Lora made a strong confession in the middle of Christmas, the beautiful playmate shared a photo in which she assumes that what she says is her love, a beautiful blonde woman.

His daughter Alex Lora 23 hours ago he posted a photo on his official Instagram account in which he appears from behind and poses in a very familiar way with a blonde who he says is his love and “the most beautiful of all”. In the picture, they both look great with their curved figures in fitted latex pants; Celia Lora caught the eye with her beautiful, large eyes, while her partner, Michel, pointed to the angel’s face.

This publication exceeded 180 thousand appreciations and had strong reactions among internet users. Not realy Lizbeth Rodriguez He was able to resist commenting on the publication and without any zeal pointed out that there was too much beauty in that image.

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Recently his star Acapulco Shore and Lizbeth Rodríguez were together in the Barak project, El Experimento, on Halloween Eve and there the friendship between the two girls became stronger; who did not hesitate to play as if they were a couple.

Both Lizbeth Rodríguez and Celia lora They shared that they have no problem being affectionate with a woman and say they are sure how much they like men, so much so that they kissed even during Barak’s time; However, the kiss was not well captured by the cameras and the followers of both demanded its repetition.

Both influencers have not been stingy with mutual compliments and continue to do so on social networks, internet users really like that they both make content together.

Recently, Celia Lora surprised by confessing that her colleagues Chela and Alex Lora are not as liberal as they seem. His star MTV He confessed that his mother reacted to the “cry from heaven” when he learned that she was posing for a famous men’s magazine; However, the beautiful Boss confessed that it was always her dream and that what appeared in that magazine was not at all what her mother imagined.

She also said that she bought these magazines from the age of 16 and admired the women who appeared in them, wanting to be one of them and, finally, her dream came true.

When it comes to saying things the way they are, Celia Lora is not limited and has always confessed both on her YouTube channel and in her famous Office of Love, a program he made with MTV and was broadcast on his Facebook page on Thursday.

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In the Love Clinic, the influencer answered questions from his followers and came to give strong personal revelations; among which it was discovered why he does not want to have a stable relationship. Celia Lora confessed that her last partner was too jealous and that she even saw things where they are not. This man even invented that he left him in a joint to go to the bathroom with a woman; showing that the famous woman did not remember what she was doing at her “party.”

But this was just one of the many things that ended their relationship and made Celia Lora believe that the best thing is polyamory and that she has no commitment to anyone, all in order not to suffer. And in terms of her lifestyle, the star stressed that she never intends to change it, that the party is part of her and that, because she lives the way she lives, she has the jobs she currently has.
