Complications prevent Fernanda Castillo from having more children

Actress Fernanda Castillo has been fighting for her life in recent days after a series of complications arising from the birth she presented in December last year, when she gave birth to her firstborn, the new versions show that, consequently, no it may be again! mother!

After several versions that are worth mentioning, they have not been fully confirmed by their own Fernanda Castillo, would present “two heart attacks“That would put her at serious risk, news that would shock all fans of the histrionic.

As reported by TvNotas magazine last Monday, the performer of the second season of the series “Monarch“She would live essential hours in the operating room after being hospitalized for complications arising from the birth of her son, Liam, so now it can almost be said that ‘her life is a miracle.’

However, a new publication reveals a little sad news for the actress and her husband, which would possibly change the plans to start a family, as they now reveal that she could not have more children.

Although the couple has not yet addressed the details of all the work that the medical team of the Spanish hospital undertook to save her from a fateful end, Castillo himself confirmed that her condition is “serious”, which would have been supported by the publications. made by his mother on social networks.

Today, Tv Notes magazine claims that Fernanda Castillo underwent a delicate surgery in which they had to make a decision to save their lives, but which completely truncates the possibility of “being again mother“This is after a close friend of the star revealed more details about her health to the same environment.

A person very close to the couple and especially to the actress would have said that “Fernanda and Erick were very happy for the arrival of their baby and, despite the pandemic, she managed to fully enjoy the pregnancy”. Something anyone could notice through social media, where Castillo set himself the task of sharing the whole process and finally the arrival Liam Hayser Castillo to their lives.

It seems that everything was going well, but “then came the complications”, reveals the alleged source, it was something very unexpected, because Fer leads a very healthy lifestyle, a good diet, exercise and after birth it felt great, but began to present small s @ ngrados, which were getting worse, he points out.

Which is why on that Monday, January 11, she went to the doctor, fortunately, the actress will do it on time, since her gynecologist (Patricio Sanhueza), when he saw her, sent her urgently to The Spanish hospital, according to the details, warned her that his situation was very delicate “.

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“In very poor condition”

The sadness he had was so great that he came to the emergency room wearing a diaper, which was soaked in black. Those who were with her said it was horrible to see her like that. “

As the source described, “the situation worsened after suffering an imbalance, resulting from bleeding, doctors activated the blue code for patients with ‘respiratory arrest’,”

The blue code is a “medical alarm system for patients in respiratory arrest,” fortunately “Iron managed to withstand the operation,” he explained.

To stop the bleeding they had to remove the uterus, the procedure known as “hysterectomy”, “it was an emergency to stop so many losses, then they did a transfusion to recover, I do not know the amount”, but something taken into account is that “he lost a lot of blood”, according to TvNotas.

Bleeding is the main cause of the loss of several women’s lives after giving birth, it is something they explained to Erik and Fernanda.

Now far from anything else, Fernada only expressed her gratitude for being alive! a few weeks after she became a mother, the very idea of ​​”losing her life” at the time “terrified” her.

Possible reasons

Because she is a new mother, Fernanda Castillo, she could have trusted that she did not give so much importance to s @ ngrados, this would worsen her condition, they describe.

The foreigner assures that “the uterus will not return to its natural size after birth”, however she is not sure if it was the cause of the severe bleeding she presented.

After that, the actress was discharged on Friday, January 15, and did her best to avoid the media, because she did not want to be seen in her state.

Now, the histrionic and her family are trying to forget the bad experience, both the mother and the actor stay close to her, when she is in absolute rest and trying to recover, they said.

The person close to the native of Sonora also announced that at one point it is Fernanda herself who shares everything she has experienced these days, as she is still trying to assimilate it, so that when she feels ready she could to reveal it. .

Fernanda Castillo, whom you will surely remember for her role as “Mónica Robles” in “Señor de los Cielos”, a Telemundo series remained hospitalized from Monday, January 11 to Friday, January 15 at the Spanish Hospital.

The actress who also participated in the theater with the staging “Today I can’t get up” was permanently accompanied by her partner, the actor Erick Hayser.

“Now she is grateful that she is alive” and it was Monday, January 18, when she returned to social media after the “complicated moment” to thank all those who fought for me to continue now in this world, she commented , and her engines that encouraged her to fight for her life, part of her message is read.

You can also read Fernanda Castillo Reappears to talk about her health

Undoubtedly, the famous woman has become an excellent example to cherish every moment of life!
