Coach Raúl “Potro” Gutiérrez awards Mario Martínez the badge of captain in Real Spain – Diez

A few hours to debut in the Clausura before Olympics, There is a change in Real España. technician Raúl “Potro” Gutiérrez he chose to lead Mario Martinez to wear the captain’s badge.

José Alejando Reyes? Spain’s 11th starter against Olympia at the start of the “Potro” Gutiérrez era

In recent tournaments the archer Luis „Buba” López However, the Mexican coach had a quick word about the tactical set-up and decided to try another approach.

The decision is purely sporting. What Gutiérrez is looking for is a player who is always close to the games, the referee’s decisions and exercises leadership.

Buba had to leave the bow and go to the middle and could not always do so. He will now be the second captain of the aurinegro team.

Martínez will now be in charge of leading the group and generating colorful football in the center of the field.

It won’t be the first time Lefty has taken responsibility. He had already been team captain alongside Mario Zanabria, Hernán Medford and Martín “Tato” García.

Before Luis López, the badge was worn by footballers such as Edder Delgado, Nicolás Cardozo, Julio “Palomo” Rodríguez and Carlos Pavón.
