The Network Biomedical Research Center (CIBER) and the National Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS) will lead the implementation of the new precision medicine infrastructure (IMPaCT). The call for this initiative has a direct grant of EUR 25.8 million, which will be managed by CIBER and BSC-CNS.
This call, which is part of the Strategic Health Action 2017-2020 of the Carlos III Institute of Health (ISCIII), a body under the Ministry of Science and Innovation, is a new step towards the implementation of Precision Medicine in the national system of Health, through a strategy based on science and innovation, which in 2020 and 2021 will have 77.3 million euros for its development.
In total, over 100 institutions from all autonomous communities will participate in the implementation of the three IMPaCT programs: Predictive Medicine, Data Science and Genomic Medicine
The Consorcio Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red (CIBER) and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center-Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC-CNS) are the centers selected to lead the implementation of the new precision medicine infrastructure associated with science and technology (IMPaCT). The call associated with this initiative has a direct grant of 25.8 million euros, which will be managed by CIBER and BSC-CNS.
The programs included in IMPaCT are aligned with three areas that will be developed in the future national strategy: Predictive Medicine, Genomic Medicine and Data Science. CIBER will take over the management of the first two, for which it will have funding of 14 million and 7.24 million, respectively, while BSC-CNS will address the third, with funding of 4.55 million.
Professionals from various Spanish scientific and health institutions will participate in each of the three programs, led by a person who will act as coordinator and responsible for the action plan. The Predictive Medicine Program will be coordinated by Marina Pollán from CIBER of Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP); Genomic Medicine, by Ángel Carracedo from CIBER for Rare Diseases (CIBERER) and Data Science, by Alfonso Valencia from BSC-CNS.
The Predictive Medicine program will have the participation of 21 more institutions between hospitals and research centers throughout Spain. Genomic medicine will have a network of five reference centers for genomic analysis and a group of clinical experts and, in total, will have the participation of 45 groups from 38 centers (25 hospitals and 13 from research centers or universities) with representation of all autonomous communities. In the meantime, 47 institutions will participate in the data science program, covering all the autonomous communities with accredited health research institutes, and companies, foundations, universities and research centers will collaborate. In total, over 100 institutions from all communities will participate in the implementation of the three IMPaCT programs.