Chucky Lozano just before Tri through the losses of Pulido and Martín

Mexico’s technical director has announced that the attackers will not play against Wales, leaving Chucky Lozano as the sole striker.

Chucky lozano will be the front center of the Mexico for the game against Wales after Henry Martin and Alan Pulido They were withdrawn for the meeting due to physical discomfort, it was confirmed Gerardo “Tata” Martino, technical director of Tricolor.

“Unfortunately, we can’t count on any of them,” he saidFather‘at a press conference.

“Because both have different physical problems and will not be considered for tomorrow, which I hope is common, to have a performance according to what we expect, to see how the team is, after four months, always waiting for have a good game, “he said.

Henry Martín and Alan Pulido were called up to the Tricolor, after the injury of Raúl Jiménez and the loss of José Juan Macías, because he would have been with the Tricolor Under 23. His place will be taken by Hirving Chucky Lozano, who played as a striker with him. Naples and with the Mexican team.

“We can not regret the losses and it is true that the absences open the door for some players and open the possibility of trying certain alternatives, it is clear that Chucky did it as a striker sometimes with Napoli and also with us against Panama,” commented Martino .

The game against Wales is the last confrontation of Mexican major national team in Europe, as he will later focus on the Concacaf competition games and qualifying rounds to Qatar 2022.

“There is already a schedule for the rest of the year, including the Final Four game, there is almost no room for friendlies and it is true that it would be illogical to go to Europe when we have several official matches in the United States. We should go until 2022 to have another possibility. “
