Christian Nodal’s sister is blind in a bikini; joins the fashion of t – shirts with chic details PHOTO

His sister Christian Nodal attracted the attention of the singer’s fans because Which has a spectacular beauty that, on several occasions, managed to shine on her brother-in-law, the singer Belinda, and during his vacations he was no exception.

Amely Nodal on vacation

Amely NodaHe shared in his Instagram stories the moments he spent relaxing during this bridge for the holidays Holy WeekIn them, the young woman shared some photos that won her praise and sighs from her descendants.

Amely was seen in a simple but revealing black bikini, with which she showed her impressive figure. In addition, she accompanied him with long flowing hair and simple makeup that showed her beauty. natural.

Although she uses a few filters to share her photos on Instagram, users did not hesitate to praise her for her amazing beauty. Some continue to call Christian Nodal “cuado.”

Care, sister of Christian Nodal. Photo: Instagram

Fashion lover Amely

They compared his sister’s beauty Christian Nodal with the one owned by Belinda, her brother-in-law; However, he also has a taste that he shares with the singer and it is about fashion, which can be seen in his photos on social networks.

During her vacation, Amely dressed in the fashion of wearing a delicate hair scarf that matches the swimsuit and complemented with denim shorts and a gold necklace, as a detail in the neck area.

