Chivas, the day he was late for a Libertadores final

Mexico City /

“We arrived, we changed and we went on the field without warming up,” recalls the former coach of s Chivas, José Luis Real, his running and accident Beira-Río de Porto Alegre Stadium, the night of August 18, 2010 to play Final return to the Copa Libertadores before him International. It was the second time that a Mexican team was installed in the prelude to the most important title at the level of clubs in America.

The former technician of Chivas remember the passage just this Saturday, when Final Liberators between Palmeiras and Santos, both from Brazil, just like the rival that faced Chivas a little over 10 years ago.

El Güero, who is one of five South American-born coaches who made it to the finals in this competition, said in an interview with Half time that that game had to be played 10 minutes lateAs the bus that took them from the hotel to the stadium was stopped and diverted three times due to threats from Brazilian bars.

“In classic South American style … The match started 10 minutes late because our bus was stopped every 10 minutes to take it off the road. They said that there were threatening bars to prevent the truck from arriving. We had forced stops and detours, we arrived late, we changed and we went on the field, without a normal heating and then we faced a great team surrounded by a spectacular scene ”.

“I thought they didn’t want us to show up. I communicated with people from the Federation (FMF) so that they would leave CONMEBOL and that they saw that we were late and that there were no sanctions, “the Mexican coach recalled in a conversation. Half time.

Synthetic grass: The disadvantage of the game on the Omnilife stadium

The Sacred Flock came to that match with a heavy load, because in the final Ida played further August 11, Inter won 2-1 coming from behind with goals from Guliano and Bolivar, in newly built and inaugurated Omnilife Stadium, where they played for the first time in the entire tournament on synthetic grass, which, according to Real, did not favor the team.

“It was the first final on their new stadium and, unfortunately, for us we played it on synthetic grass. It was not a disadvantage for Inter, it was a disadvantage for us. I’ve played three games before on natural grass. I understood this Jorge Vergara he wanted to win the championship in his stadium. In the end, it did not benefit us “, added Güero, who considered that if the first duel had been played natural grass, at least it would have bound him.

“What I can assure you is that at least we are not losing Guadalajara. It was different to end up with a tie on a stage like that Porto Alegre to reach with a 2-1. I think I lost in Guadalajara and that was the main reasoning I had, “he said.

The invading fan, the anger and forgiveness of Güero Real

At the end of the Vuelta final with a score of 3-2 favorable for Inter de Porto Alegre, the television broadcast went to the center of the field, where several players of Chivas and the Brazilian team exchanged blows and blows.

However, the narrators’ versions indicated the frustration of the Mexican players Jose Luis Real revealed that this fight was started by a Brazilian fan who entered the field to hit Marco Fabian, A situation that triggered an outbreak of anger that the local police had to control.

“In the end, a fan ends up hitting Fabian and Omar Bravo lets him go and hits the fan who entered. Everyone at Inter will protect the fans who got involved. So it looked like it was a fight between Inter and Chivas and it wasn’t.

“The police entered, but did not stop the person who had entered the field. They did not enter at all and protected themselves as always. Of course, the police were already in the dressing room and they took me to that fan. “This is the fan who came down and hit a player, what sanction do you want for him ‘, and I told them to release him because I am not interested in being sanctioned. What he did could not be remedied and he apologized and left, “he said.
