Chivas: Rafael Lebrija, “hurt” by the bad start of the herd in Clausura 2021

Rafael Lebrija, former director of Chivas Rayadas from Guadalajara and The red devils of Toluca, spoke about the contrasting beginnings of both teams in this regard 2021 Closing Tournament, as one is the general leader and the other is in the last positions.

In an interview with Marca Claro, Rafa Lebrija noticed that he was surprised by the great beginning of Devils, although it hurts that Guadalajara don’t fight for the first places either.

Read also: Chivas: Uriel Antuna gave negative results for the second test and could face Pachuca

“I am surprised by Toluca for the first place, I am very happy that he continues on that path and, as for Chivas, it hurts that, with the team he has, he is not in the first positions”

Lebrija also spoke about the elements that were separated due to indiscipline after the 2020 Opening, ensuring that the Sacred Flock did the right thing, to clarify that the institution must be respected.

“When I was in Chivas, I talked to Jorge Vergara and we saw the opportunity to improve with Güero Real. I was very pleased that Chivas put players in their place who did not comply with internal regulations. “

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