Chivas defines his uniform to face Atlético San Luis in the MX League

Chivas de Guadalajara is the club that will start a new date of the Guard1anes 2021 championship. On Thursday, January 21, from 21:00, they will have to visit Atlético San Luis on the Alfonso Lastras Ramírez stadium, valid for the third day of the MX League.

During the day, the uniform that the Guadalajara team has for this new confrontation that will be in the championship was defined, where they will seek to add their first triumph of the competition, given that the team led by Víctor Manuel Vucetich reaches two draws in Mexican football.

In this way, the Guadalajara distribution will wear their totally traditional clothing for this new engagement of the tournament, in which he will be wearing his red and white shirt and the one he will accompany with blue pants and white socks.

Uniforms for day 3.

Meanwhile, his rival will do it with unusual clothes for the distribution of Potosí, where they will receive the rojiblanco distribution with a black shirt, black pants and socks of the same color.

It wasn’t a good start

Chivas did not start as expected, where he adds two draws: equalized as a visit against Puebla in the debut, while the next time he equalized with Toluca at Akron Stadium, both matches with the same score.

Terrible, no reinforcements have arrived

Regularly with Huerta and Mayorga is fine

Well, some more reinforcements could come
