Chiquis Rivera sorts his truck, each ticket costs 2 thousand pesos

The singer and the businesswoman Chiquis Rivera placeholder image surprised all his followers by announcing that he intends to get rid of one of his most precious possessions, we refer to his Pickup model 2012, which will raffle among his audience.

As he posted in a video on his social networks, the vehicle is an SUV and it is custom, not only with your logo; also with the colors of your cosmetic brand; In addition, she has appeared in countless images that Jenni Rivera’s daughter shared on her networks, so she has a special affection for her.

“I like this truck, my heart hurts, you don’t know how much it hurts, but I want you to have the chance to win this truck. Who was with me thick and thin and that’s why I’ve been selling tickets for a month “, wrote on his official Instagram account

See: Chiquis Rivera has a life-size house built for his dog

Participating in the raffle is very simple, all you have to do is enter the social networks of the businesswoman and buy a ticket, which costs approx 2 thousand pesos, every; and in case of winner, move to the United States, because, although you specify that you want to deliver the prize in person, you can only travel to the California and Arizona area.

Chiquis truck

Chiquis also explained that for a whole month he will sell tickets and each participant can buy a maximum of ten: “I will sell tickets for a month for $ 100 and each person can buy up to ten tickets. I’ll take them personally if you live in California and maybe Arizona. “ concluded.

Chiquis Rivera truck

See also: Chiquis Rivera filed for divorce from Lorenzo Méndez for violating it
