Chiquis Rivera perrea AL NATURAL after doing his exercise routine: VIDEO

It’s no secret that Chiquis Rivera placeholder image went through various scandals and all sorts of rumors about his love life and personal life.

This especially since ad separation and divorce from Lorenzo Mndez; However, now the singer shares through her social networks that she is better than ever, like her Self-esteemas well as his personal and professional life.

It was through your account personal of Instagram, where the famous has more than 4.3 million followers, I decided to make it known that she is active in terms of life fitness and healthier.

Chiquis Rivera has shown that talent is in his blood. Photo: Special

Chiquis Rivera poses naturally

Through social networks, his famous daughter Jenny Rivera posted a video through it fairy tales, The same as He has caused a rage, because it is nothing more and nothing less than a clip in which the famous singer naturalWell, I didn’t use anything invent.

In this regard, it must be remembered that influence stood out for extravagant she tastes when it comes to dressing and makeup, as she prefers invent maximalist where colors and glitters.

However, in the audiovisual of only a few seconds, Chiquis Rivera placeholder image He looked natural and also posed smiling after doing his routine. exercise.

Also in this clip The famous daughter of “La diva de la banda” showed that, like her mother, blindly and with or without makeup, inheriting her charisma and sympathy Jenni Rivera.

