China will no longer recognize the British national overseas passport for Hong Kong residents

China will no longer recognize the British national overseas passport as a valid travel document or proof of identity, Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian he said on Friday.

Why does it matter: The announcement comes amid heightened tensions with the UK over its plan to provide potential millions of Hong Kong residents with a path to residence and eventual citizenship.

News management: The UK is set to begin late Sunday applications from Hong Kong residents for a special BNO visa.

  • While the BNO’s passport has been in use for decades, pressure has risen for the UK to extend the rights of its holders, especially after Beijing imposed a draconian national security law on the former British colony last year.
  • About 5.4 million Hong Kong residents could be eligible for the NBO visa on the AP.

What are they saying: “The British side’s attempt to turn large numbers of Hong Kong people into second-class British citizens has completely changed the nature of the BNO’s original understanding of the two sides,” Zhao said in a press briefing on Friday.

  • “This move seriously violates China’s sovereignty, seriously interferes in Hong Kong’s affairs and China’s internal affairs, and seriously violates international law and the basic rules of international relations,” he said, adding that China will stop recognizing passports from Sunday. .

Between the lines: “Many in Hong Kong have multiple passports and it is not clear what the Chinese government could do to prevent people from entering the UK through the BNO visa plan, “the AP notes.

  • “As an additional protection of personal privacy, a mobile application will allow applicants to download their biometric information without having to be seen visiting the British visa office,” the news agency added.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson “I am extremely proud to have brought this new way for Hong Kong BN (O) to live, work and make a home in our country,” he said in a statement on Friday.

  • “In doing so, we have honored our deep ties of history and friendship with the people of Hong Kong and championed freedom and autonomy – the values ​​for both Britain and Hong Kong are dear.”
