China is looking at reducing inequality to boost the economy

Views on Shanghai as China's central bank goes it alone stimulates capital inflows

Photographer: Qilai Shen / Bloomberg

The Chinese Communist Party’s new promise to set the “demand side” of the economy has led management’s expectations to implement more egalitarian policies to boost consumer spending.

The main leaders of the party used the phrase “demand-side reform” for the first time this month, in a deviation from its focus on “supply-side” changes that involve modernizing industry and reducing capacity in inflated sectors.

Although China is the only major economy to grow this year due to its effective control over the pandemic, the new slogan signals that the ruling party is concerned about the uneven recovery in household spending from investment in real estate and infrastructure. Beijing did not elaborate on the phrase, but officials dropped the clues and economists rushed to make suggestions.

The share of workers is stagnating

Attempts to rebalance the economy have not yet borne fruit

Source: Sources: University of Groningen, University of California, Davis, through the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FRED database

Redistribution of income

The term “demand side” is used to refer to investment, consumer spending and any trade surplus. Beijing has called for investment to replace exports as a driver of economic growth during the 2008 financial crisis, when overseas orders slowed and have since struggled to “rebalance” demand for consumer spending.

Economists blame this imbalance on several factors, including wage inequality, which means that incomes accrue to richer households, which are less likely to spend, and the relatively high share of gross domestic product paid as a profit for capital owners, rather than as a wage for workers.
