China and India will withdraw their forces from the disputed border

NEW DELHI – India and China have said they will withdraw security forces along part of their disputed border in the Himalayas, a move that could help ease long-running tensions between the world’s two most populous countries.

Indian Defense Minister Rajnath Singh told lawmakers in parliament on Thursday that the two countries had agreed to a gradual disengagement around Pangong Lake, where they have overlapping demands.

Both sides agreed that their security forces around the lake would gradually retreat to their positions before border tensions flared up last year. The parties have agreed that temporary structures and infrastructure built in April will be removed and that patrolling in the disputed territories will be suspended, Mr Singh said.

The troop movement began on Wednesday and will not lead to the surrender of any land previously controlled by India, he said.

China on Wednesday announced a synchronized disengagement of front-line troops from the northern and southern shores of scenic lake.
