Chile refuses to target Miguel Herrera

ESPN Digital spoke with several directors of the Chilean team, who rejected that “Piojo” is an option for the bank

The President of the Chilean Football Federation, Pablo Milad, rejected that Miguel Herrera is a candidate to lead the Chilean national team, despite the fact that the name “Piojo” has sounded in recent weeks in various local media.

ESPN Digital looked up Pablo Milad spoke about this issue and declared directly “not at all, without interest” and preferred not to delve further into the subject, arguing the time difference between Mexico and the Andean nation.

Also, Ian Mac Niven, the manager of the national teams, seconded Pablo Milad stating that “I have no related information”, after asking him if Miguel Herrera intended to command “La Roja”.

In Chile, The media said on the eve that Miguel Herrera was on a short list of candidates for the technical direction of the selected one.

However, there were people who said that this is not the first time that the name of the former American coach comes to light today, because “certainly his agent promotes him”, as he pointed out. ESPN Digital.

A section of the press points out that Néstor Pékerman, former helmsman of Toluca and Tigres, as a favorite, recalling that he had a lawsuit with Colombia from 2012 to 2018.
