Children with low attention are more likely to develop mental health conditions in adulthood

The study warns that children with low attention and poor memory are more likely to develop mental health conditions, including depression and psychosis in adulthood.

  • The experts studied data from a cohort of more than 13,000 people born in 1991 and 1992
  • They looked for links between childhood cognitive problems and mental health
  • Those with poor attention at the age of eight developed depression at the age of 18
  • Knowing these markers in childhood could help solve subsequent mental health problems

The study shows that children who struggle with memory problems and who have poor attention can develop mental health conditions when they become adults.

Researchers at the University of Birmingham analyzed data from a cohort of 13,988 people born in 1991 and 1992 and re-examined over the decades.

They set out to look for any links between childhood cognitive problems, such as lack of control and memory problems, and the mental health conditions of later life.

They found that poor attention in eight-year-olds could lead to depression at 18, and memory problems at ten could lead to hypomania at the age of 22.

Targeting specific markers in childhood for early treatment can help minimize the risk of developing certain psychopathological problems later in life. said the team.

The study shows that children who struggle with memory problems and who have poor attention can develop mental health conditions when they become adults.  Stock image

The study shows that children who struggle with memory problems and who have poor attention can develop mental health conditions when they become adults. Stock image


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral disorder defined by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

It affects about five percent of children in the United States. About 3.6% of boys and 0.85% of girls suffer in the UK.

Symptoms usually appear at an early age and become more visible as the child grows. These may also include:

  • Constant agitation
  • Poor concentration
  • Excessive movement or speech
  • Acting without thinking
  • Little or no sense of danger
  • Careless mistakes
  • Oblivion
  • Difficulties in organizing tasks
  • Inability to listen or give instructions

Most cases are diagnosed between the ages of six and 12. Adults can also suffer, but there is less research on this.

The exact cause of ADHD is unclear, but it is thought to involve genetic mutations that affect a person’s brain function and structure.

Premature babies and those with epilepsy or brain damage are more at risk.

ADHD is also linked to anxiety, depression, insomnia, tourette and epilepsy.

There is no cure.

A combination of medications and therapy is usually recommended to relieve symptoms and make everyday life easier.

Source: NHS Choices

This includes conditions such as borderline personality disorder, depression and psychosis that can start to occur in people up to the age of 17 or 18.

Cognitive deficit is an essential feature of mental disorders and is important in predicting long-term prognosis, according to lead author Dr. Isabel Morales-Munoz.

The work in this new study seems to show that individual patterns of these deficits, such as short attention spans, precede mental health disorders.

Morales-Muñoz said: “Prevention strategies focused on ameliorating these specific cognitive problems could help reduce the likelihood that these children will develop mental health problems in adolescence and early adulthood.”

The study was the first to explore specific links between childhood cognitive deficits and psychopathological problems in young people over a period of time.

Sustained attention deficits at age eight being associated with symptoms of borderline personality disorder (BPD) at 11-12 are consistent with similar deficits in adult patients with BPD, related to difficulties in adhering to therapy programs.

Previous evidence also suggests a significant link between BPD in adults and symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in childhood.

This indicates that ADHD could be a risk factor for BPD, the team explained.

The study also supports the theory that lack of inhibition in childhood precedes subsequent psychotic experiences, with a common lack of inhibitory control in psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia.

Mental disorders cause a significant burden of the disease globally and at least 10% of children and adolescents worldwide have a mental disorder.

The team said that 75% of mental disorders diagnosed in adults have their onset in childhood and adolescence.

Bipolar disorder, depression and psychosis occur frequently during adolescence and continue into young adulthood – potentially related to abnormalities in the way adolescents mature caused by psychosocial, biological or environmental factors.

“It is crucial to study the occurrence of mental disorders in these early stages and to assess the risk factors prior to these conditions,” said co-author Matthew Broome.

“These factors are basic features of mental disorders, such as psychosis and mood disorders,” he explained.

They set out to look for any links between childhood cognitive problems, such as lack of control and memory problems, and the mental health conditions of later life.  Stock image

They set out to look for any links between childhood cognitive problems, such as lack of control and memory problems, and the mental health conditions of later life. Stock image

“Deficiencies in cognitive function, ranging from decreased attention and working memory to impaired social cognition and language, are common in psychiatric disorders,” added the study’s lead author, Professor Steven Marwaha.

“They seriously compromise the quality of life and could precede serious mental health conditions by several years.”

The findings were published in the journal JAMA Network Open.


Although it is normal to feel down from time to time, people with depression may feel persistently unhappy for weeks or months.

Depression can affect anyone at any age and is quite common – about one in ten people are likely to experience it at some point in their lives.

Depression is a real state of health that people cannot ignore or “get out of.”

Symptoms and effects vary, but may include a permanent feeling of upset or despair or a loss of interest in the things you used to enjoy.

It can also cause physical symptoms such as sleep problems, fatigue, low appetite or sexual appetite and even the sensation of physical pain.

In extreme cases it can lead to suicidal thoughts.

Traumatic events can trigger it, and people with a family history may be more at risk.

It is important to consult a doctor if you think that you or someone you know has depression, as it may be managed through lifestyle changes, therapy or medication.

Source: NHS Choices
