Charles Martinet may not have been asked to voice Mario in the upcoming film

There are a lot of questions about the upcoming Super Mario movie from Nintendo and Illumination, but one of the biggest concerns is who will express Mario. True, we don’t even know if Mario will be voiced or not! You would imagine that Mario will have a kind of lines in the movie, as he intervenes from time to time in games.

While we wait to find out more about the distributed voice for the film, it seems that Mario’s voice that we all know and love may not be involved in the project. In a GalaxyCon Live interview with none other than Charles Martinet, he was asked about his thoughts on the upcoming film. Part of Charles’ answer is as follows.

“… if he invites me to play, I will come in and play with great joy and happiness.”

Now, this could be taken in two different ways. The most obvious way is that Mr. Martinet was simply not asked to express his role. The second way of looking at it makes us take Charles’ comments as a pleasant game. Charles probably wouldn’t be able to confirm / disprove his work in film, so the careful wording of the above statement could surround the question.

No doubt, fans will be upset if Mr. Martinet does not express Mario in the film, but big-name movies tend to go with the power of Hollywood stars to push their projects. We’ll just have to sit tight and see which Nintendo and Illumination are going.
