Carlos Rivera pampers Cynthia Rodríguez with a romantic Valentine’s dinner

Carlos Rivera pampers Cynthia Rodríguez with a romantic Valentine’s dinner, if the couple did not skimp on details and, although they did not show up together, it was obvious that they advanced the celebration The day of love and friendship.

In recent days, the courtship of Carlos Rivera and Cynthia Rodríguez has been called into question by the accusations of Toñita, a former partner of “academyWho accused Cynthia of favoritism and more. As they did before, neither Carlos nor Cynthia followed the rumors and simply ignored the comment.

While Carlos Rivera continues to work as one of the best voices in Spanish, with songs like 100 years, Remember me Yes we are waiting for you, Cynthia Rodriguez she put her singing career on breaks to establish herself as a great television presenter, being part of the morning program team “Joy came”.

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The court of Cynthia Rodríguez and Carlos Rivera He was affected by rumors, but the couple remained firm in keeping private aspects of the relationship, so that their love affair did not overshadow the other’s professional career, as they both admit that there were many efforts to gain recognition today.

For some time, the interaction between Carlos Rivera and Cynthia Rodríguez has been clearer on social networks, but they are rarely seen together in public, although this does not mean that the images of their lives together are leaked from time to time.

Carlos Rivera and Cynthia Rodríguez, this is how they celebrated Valentine’s Day, Valentine’s Day

In the last minutes of this Friday, Carlos Rivera showed that he is celebrating the remix of the song 100 years, where now besides malum He is accompanied by Caliber 50. Although the singer wore the most beautiful in an ink shirt, with a glass of wine in his hand and glasses, his girlfriend’s stories revealed the truth: it was a romantic dinner.

Carlos Rivera pampers Cynthia Rodríguez with a romantic Valentine's dinner.  Special Instagram

Carlos Rivera looked very handsome.

Cynthia Rodríguez was more explicit and shared details about luxury romantic dinner that they prepared at home where there were colorful desserts and some strawberries covered with chocolate. She looked gorgeous in a black dress and also showed a huge arrangement of roses.

Carlos Rivera pampers Cynthia Rodríguez with a romantic Valentine's dinner.  Special Instagram

Cynthia Rodríguez fell in love with her outfit.

Carlos Rivera pampers Cynthia Rodríguez with a romantic Valentine's dinner.  Special Instagram

Roses were not missing.

Although Carlos Rivera appeared only in his stories, in those of Cynthia Rodríguez his voice could be heard and judging by the background of their content, both were in the same place. Thus, the couple poured a lot of honey in their style, and their followers celebrated their love.

Read more: Before the rumors, Cynthia Rodríguez and Carlos Rivera reaffirm their love in this way

Cynthia Rodríguez never hid her admiration for Carlos Rivera and his talent, which is why she invited her followers to enjoy the new 100-year-old remix. It is not known if the couple will have more holidays during the festival 14 February, but it is clear that details are always welcome and that when there is agreement between those who love each other, it doesn’t matter what people say.

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