CARA DELEVINGNE confesses the suffering of her internal homophobia

Actress and model Dear delevingne He talked about the bisexuality, depression and suicidal thoughts he had as a teenager.

The reflection took place in a Goop podcast with Gwyneth Paltrow where she associated her mental health with internal homophobia, as she defined it.

During the podcast, he recounted how much he suffered after admitting that he too was attracted to him. people of the same sex. All this because he grew up in a very conservative environment, where they did not tolerate this type of sexual orientation, but rather the traditional ones.

Accept their condition

With the passage of time, the situation was internalized in her until a rejection was generated on her. I didn’t know anyone gay in those moments and there was a time when I wasn’t even aware of mine internal homophobia, confessed the model.

After a long time, he managed to analyze his behavior and thoughts from then on to make sense of his problems.

I know that there is clearly a correlation between all this and mine depression attacks and suicidal thoughts which he had. I was ashamed of who she was, the young woman reflected. Fortunately, this stage has been gradually left behind and is now accepted and appreciated as it is.

On the eve Valentine, Jaden Smith and Cara Delevingne They were caught kissing, which sparked rumors of a possible relationship between the two.

In the photos you can see his son Will Smith and the model arrives in a place wearing face masks, then kisses and hugs affectionately while Jaden Smith teaches at Dear delevingne a huge bouquet of roses.

Months before, Dear delevingne He had already declared himself pansexual and had been romantically associated with the singer St. Vincent with whom he had an affair for about a year.

