Capcom will release three live Monster Hunter streams next month

Monster Hunter Rise© Capcom

Next month, Monster Hunter celebrates its anniversary. Now we are close to the launch Monster Hunter Rise on the switch. With that in mind, Capcom announced on Twitter that it will host a total of three live stream events in March.

This includes a digital event on March 8, a new game, hunting tutorials and a Q&A for directors on March 9 and a community broadcast on March 11. In particular, there will be information about Monster Hunter Rise and Monster Hunter Stories 2.

Monster Hunter’s social media account also asks questions for game director Yasunori Ichinose on Twitter. To send one, all you have to do is reply to tweet attached to the above. They will then receive an answer in the live stream on March 9.

In related news, yesterday Capcom presented Apex Monsters and the new Rampage mode in Monster Hunter Rise. You can find out more about this in our previous post. Will you watch these upcoming shows? Leave a comment below.
