Cantinflas captured in Guatemala at the request of the US for extradition

Guatemala City, Guatemala

The National Civil Police of Guatemala reported on Thursday that it has captured a person in the capital’s open port whose extradition is being claimed by the United States, accused of drug trafficking.

The Guatemalan, identified as Mario Alfredo Hurtarte Ramírez, 35 years old, known by the nickname “Cantinflas”, was arrested in the La Aurora International Airport When he returned from Panama, police spokesman Edwin Monroy explained.

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“This person was wanted for extradition purposes for the crime of conspiracy to and distribution of heroin in the United Stateshe added.

Extradition was handed over to the court by the anti-drug police so that a judge can inform you of your situation and start the extradition process.

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According to authorities with the help of drug traffickers Local, large international cartels use Guatemala and the rest of Central America to transport drugs and to launder money, which is affecting the criminal violence ravaging the region.
