Candidates for governor Zacatecas 2021: who they are

Five women and three men are the candidates seeking to govern Zacatecas, so they will seek the vote of the citizens to reach their goal on June 6; Among them is a candidate who belongs to the transgender community.

In the state, in addition to the governor, 30 deputies and 58 municipal presidents will be elected.

Ana María Romo Fonseca – The Citizens’ Movement

On March 9, the Movimiento Ciudadano (MC) party registered Ana María Romo Fonseca at the Zacatecas State Electoral Institute (IEEZ) as a candidate for state governance.

Fonseca, 56, was born in Aguascalientes and holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting and public administration and law from the Autonomous University of Zacatecas (UAZ) and Durango (UAD), respectively, as well as a master’s degree in public administration and business in taxes, electoral law and government audit by UAZ.

In addition, he holds a PhD in Public Administration from International Law and the State Institute of Guadalajara, Jalisco; in Constitutional Law, Criminal Law and Amparo at UAD and Honoris Causa from the Constructivist University of Analysis in Mexico.

Romo Fonseca has been a member of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) since 1988 and in 1991 chaired the Arturo Romo Campaign Committee, which will govern Zacatecas from 1992 to 1998. During this term he was finance secretary from 1992 to 1996 and she was head of the Comptroller General’s Office. of the entity between 1996 and 1998.

The emecist candidate was a candidate in 2004 and 2007 for a local and federal council, respectively, while in 2009 she was technical secretary of the PRI Political Council. He was a federal deputy in the LX Legislature for District I, but for the Green Ecological Party of Mexico (PVEM).

She was rector of the Zacatecas State Technological University (UTEZ), a position she held until 2018, when she served for a year as director of Higher Education of the entity under the mandate of the current PRI governor, Alejandro Tello Cristerna.

Since 2014, she is the founder and current director of the accounting firm Consultoría Empresarial y Governmental.

Claudia Anaya Mota – It passes through Zacatecas

Claudia Edith Anaya Mota, coalition candidate It passes through Zacatecas, consisting of PRI, PAN and PRD, registered on March 8 at the state electoral institute.

From PRI activism, Anaya Mota obtained a degree in marketing from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM), as well as a master’s degree in Population, development and public policies by UAZ.

It also has three diplomas: in gender and public policy and the gender perspective aimed at municipalities, in population studies and public policy and in the right to non-discrimination.

He is a licensed senator and has been a deputy three times: two at the federal level, in 2009 and 2015 and another local in 2013, all led by PRI.

From 2016 to 2018, he held the position of Secretary for the Affairs of Persons with Disabilities in the CEN of the PRI and gave lectures in various forums on discrimination and disabilities.

David Monreal Ávila – Together we will make history in Zacatecas

On March 1, David Monreal Ávila made his candidacy for governor of Zacatecas official, registering at the entity’s IEE under the coalition of Morena, PT, PVEM and Nueva Alianza.

Monreal Ávila was born on March 22, 1966 in Fresnillo, Zacatecas and studied law at UAZ from 1985-1990. Between those years he had an intense political activity, from 1987 being general secretary of the Youth Political Organization of PRI Zacatecano and in 1988 he became campaign coordinator for his brother, Ricardo Monreal, who sought to be a federal deputy in the electoral process of that year.

A year later, he was appointed undersecretary for communications and transportation in the entity’s National Peasant Confederation, as well as private secretary to the then president of Zacatecas, Jesús Manuel Díaz Casas.

In addition to coordinating or conducting other election campaigns, including those of his brother and Amalia Hernández for the governor of Zacatecan – both winning contests for the Democratic Revolution Party – David went through various public positions until 2007. the municipality of Fresnillo.

In 2010, it was launched for the first time by the state government – this time by the Labor Party – without success.

(…)Between 2012 and 2018, the current candidate was a senator for the PT, although in 2015 he will get the latest member in Morena, which would lead him to try to get state government for the second time in the elections that won the current president, Alejandro Tello Cristerna, from the PRI.

In addition to his political career, Monreal Ávila worked in the private sector as chairman of the board of directors of the La Frenillense Consumer Cooperative Society from 2001 to 2003, while from 2002 to 2004 he was general manager of the unit. specialized exploitation Ejido Argintari.

Fernanda Salomé Perera Trejo – Progressive social networks

The Progressive Social Networks (RSP) nominated Fernanda Salomé Perera Trejo for the June 6 contest, making her the first transgender woman to run for office.

Perera Trejo, 34, studied engineering in business development and entrepreneurial innovation at Zacatecas State Technological University (UTEZ).

Despite being the candidate’s first experience in the political arena, she maintains her interest in supporting not only the LGBTTTIQ + community, which has previously worked for her, but also society in general.

The aspiring governor registered with the IEEZ together with Melany Macías Cortés, who is also part of the RSP and the trans team.

Flavio Campos Miramontes – PACE to develop Zacatecas

The PAZ Para Desarrollar Zacatecas party nominated Flavio Campos Miramontes as a candidate, who registered with the IEEZ on March 5.

Campos Miramontes is a chemical engineer and also has a master’s degree in science; dedicated to the university professor and graduate.

As part of his political experience, he was Zacatecas’ proportional deputy representative between 1986 and 1989 for the Unified Socialist Party of Mexico, so this candidacy is one of his most significant returns in this field.

Guadalupe Medina Padilla – Social gathering party

On March 12, Guadalupe Medina Padilla went to the IEEZ to register and formalize her aspiration to lead the state with the help of the Social Meeting Party.

She has a degree in Business Administration from the Technological Institute of Zacatecas (ITZ). In 2013 he was a local deputy for PAN, during which time he headed the Health Commission.

In the public sphere, the pesista candidate held the position of federal delegate of the National Support Fund for Solidarity Companies (Fonaes) – from 2001 to 2007 -, of the Ministry of Economy (SE) and Secretary of State for the Political Promotion of Women PAN, between 2008 and 2012.

In addition, in the private sector he was sales director of Deportes Medina from 1990 to 2001, and owner of Eclipse sunglasses from 2006 to the present.

During her registration, the candidate met with the Bishop of the Diocese of Zacatecas, Monsignor Sigifredo Noriega Barceló and the PSE president of Zacatecas, Nicolás Castañeda, to “listen to all the voices of our society”, according to the national leader of that party, Hugo Eric Flores González.

Miriam García Zamora – Force X Mexico

Miriam García Zamora registered on March 13 to run in the state elections for governor. Originally from Río Grande, Zacatecas, the applicant studied civil engineering at the UAZ and is, along with Anaya Mota, one of the few people with disabilities who participated in the elections in Mexico.

García Zamora was a professor at the Fresnillo Institute of Technology and the Autonomous University of Durango.

Javier Valadez Becerra – Popular Party

During a session of the IEEZ to confirm the candidacies of those aspiring to govern, the institute integrated that of Javier Valadez Becerra in the contest for the Popular Party (PP).

In his political experience, Valadez Becerra aspired in the 2015 electoral process to a federal deputy for district III Zacatecas, right under the PRI militancy.

In 2018, he was part of the founding of the local party that leads him today to seek the government of Zacatecan. This platform was registered at the state electoral institute in the same period as PEACE to develop Zacatecas, which launched Flavio Campos as a candidate.

In the private sphere, the former PRI member was the general manager of Multiservicios y Operaciones SA de CV, an entity that evaluates state public programs and projects.


