Camila Sodi sends an emotional message to Issabela Camil

Last night, the second season of Luis Miguel, the series, project that will now relate a part of the adult life of Sol. That’s why, although new characters are incorporated into the story, others say goodbye.

This is the case “Erika”, role played by Camila Sodi and based on actress Ifind Camil, with whomMickey ‘ had a romantic relationship for a while.

For this reason, Camila decided to say goodbye to such a beloved character and through an emotional message that I dedicate to Issabella, she said that she is honored that she was able to bring him to life.

Camila was Issabela in the series

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Through her official Instagram account, the beautiful 34-year-old actress appreciated the opportunity she had to live with her and, through stories, allowed her to recreate this stage of her life: “Erika (Issabela Camil), for me it was an honor to interpret in fiction the version that someone has about you, at a specific moment in your life”She wrote with some photos in which she appears characterized.

Sodi also said that he has a special affection for his wife Sergio Mayer, which he reflected in his interpretation: “I did it with all the love, respect and admiration I have for you. Thank you for allowing me to reimagine and interpret this memory that someone has of you. I love you “he added.

Immediately, fans of the series and followers of Thalía’s niece revitalized not only the images she shared, but also her words; and it is worth noting that this message was published a few hours before the launch of the first two chapters of the series. A few months ago, Issabela confirmed that she will no longer be part of the second stage of the bioseries, as she prefers to keep the memory of their relationship for her.

Luis Miguel would be

See also: Camila Sodi took a Covid test again and ended up screaming in pain
