Bystander video shows “the moment when life ends” of Floyd’s body, says lung expert

Dr. Martin Tobin, a lung expert, testified that the last moments of George Floyd’s life can be seen in the bystander video of the May 25, 2020 incident.

While watching the video in court for jurors, Tobin said, “At first you can see that he is conscious. You can see a slight flicker. And then it disappears.”

“So one minute he’s alive and the next he’s gone,” said the pulmonologist.

“You can see his eyes, he’s conscious, and then you see he’s not. That’s when the life disappears from his body, ”Tobin said.

Floyd, he said, struggled and tried to breathe while officers held him down.

“You can see him moving his hip to try to rock the right side of his body to get air. You can see him pushing back into the street to get air in. And there are movements of his hip. but he has to use his entire internal spine to just try to get air into that right side of the body Keep in mind that the left side isn’t functioning due to the way they manipulated him and pushed him out into the street, so he’s constantly, If you turn his right side of his body up, you can see it there trying to get some air into his right side of his chest. He’s making repeated struggling movements. He’s moving the hips again because he’s using his spine to push them. – those muscles to get air to the right side of his chest. And he’s trying to use his right arm again, but he’s unable because of the chain, the small a chain connecting it on the left. He tries to press his right arm out into the street to try to help him, but he can’t b because of the chain on the handcuffs, ”Tobin said.

The expert said the restrictions continued on Floyd even after he stopped breathing.

“No, the restrictions continued after that – he stopped the breathing efforts. When you last breathed in, the knee remains in the neck for 3:27 after taking his last breath. is., the knee remains 2:44 in the neck after the officers find themselves, there is no pulse, the knee remains 2:44 in the neck, “Tobin said.

Watch Dr. Tobin’s testimonial:
