Bye. Confirms 2,818 additional cases, 90 more deaths | Pennsylvania news

HARRISBURG, Pa. – The Department of Health confirmed starting with 12:00, February 20, that there were 2,818 additional positive cases of COVID-19, bringing the state total to 911,591.

There are 2,061 people hospitalized with COVID-19.

Of this number, 441 patients are in the COVID-19 intensive care unit.

According to officials, most hospitalized patients are 65 years of age or older, and most deaths have occurred in patients 65 years of age or older.

The trend of the average mobile number of 14 days of hospitalized patients per day is about 3,500 lower than at the peak of December 25, 2020.

The current 14-day average is just below what it was at the height of the spring peak on May 3, 2020, officials say.

The percentage of positivity at national level for the week of February 12 – February 18 was 6.5%.

The most accurate daily data are available on the website, and archived data are also available.

As of 11:59 p.m., Friday, February 19, there were 90 new deaths identified by the Pennsylvania death registry, for a total of 23,570 deaths attributed to COVID-19. County-specific information and a state-level map are available on the COVID-19 dashboard.

Distribution of COVID-19 vaccine

Pennsylvania hospitals began receiving Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine deliveries in the week of December 14 and the modern COVID-19 vaccine in the week of December 21.

Officials note that this includes the administration of the vaccine through CVS and Walgreens as part of the federal pharmaceutical partnership.

Vaccination numbers for Pennsylvania do not include Philadelphia, which is its own jurisdiction, or federal facilities, which work directly with the federal government.

This week, a total of 326,850 doses will be allocated by February 20:

  • 183,575 first doses will be allocated this week.
  • 143,275 second doses will be allocated this week.

To date, of the 2,766,400 doses allocated by February 20, we have administered a total of 1,931,557 doses by February 19:

  • First doses, 88 percent (1,421,115 administered out of 1,610,175 allocated)
  • Second dose, 44 percent (510,442 administered out of 1,156,225 allocated)

Officials remind that wearing a mask is necessary in all business and whenever you leave home. Consistent wearing of the mask is essential to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

According to officials, there are 107,257 people who have a positive viral antigen test and are considered likely cases and 637 people who have a positive serological test and either COVID-19 symptoms or high-risk exposure.

There are 3,815,778,266 people who have given negative results so far.

In authorized health care and personal care homes, there are 65,992 cases of COVID-19 and 12,816 cases among employees, for a total of 78,808 at 1,565 separate facilities in all 67 counties.

Of the total deaths reported to PA-NEDSS, 12,223 occurred in residents of health care or personal care institutions, officials say. A breakdown of the county can be found here.

Officials note that the number of deaths reported to the NEDSS is not exactly the same as COVID-19 deaths reported by the death registry. The number of deaths among residents and employees of personal care and personal care homes is taken from the PA-NEDSS death data, as this information is not available in the death register data.

About 24,419 of our total cases are among health care workers.
