Brutal clash in Portugal: the player lying on the field and Pepe’s reaction after seeing him unconscious – Diez

In his attempt to intercept a ball sent by “Tecatico” crown, Nanu, defender of Porto, collided with the Russian goalkeeper Stanislav Kritsyuk, from Belenenses, and fell to the ground unconscious. The reaction was immediate from the other footballers who were in the area, asking the medical staff to come as soon as possible.

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The situation lasted more than ten minutes and included the presence of an ambulance, which transported the player to the hospital for complete care.

One of the footballers who was very worried was Pepe. Former defender of real Madrid He took off his shirt and covered his face for a few seconds, a clear sign of fear for what he saw. The Portuguese could not hold back their tears for a moment.

Meanwhile, specialists were working on the playing field for health Nanu, who reached one of the strongest teams in Portugal this season.

Nanu had a concussion and a spinal cord injury with loss of consciousness. At the moment he is stable, conscious and already oriented in time and space “, reported the medical part of Porto.

“I wish Nanu all the best. From what the doctors have said, you have to be patient. I think the game was a penalty, but the referee was there to decide. I think the lack is clear. Today there is enough technology to dispel doubts. I spoke to the assistant referee, he said it was an involuntary blow. But the goalkeeper hit Nanu. We need to clarify the criteria so that we can all understand. Because for us it is a criterion and for others it is different “, he analyzed Pepe about what happened in the statements collected by the Portuguese newspaper Récord.

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The one who was visibly more outraged was Francisco J. Marques, director of communications at Porto. ” One day they will kill a player from FC Porto, but nothing will happen, because Fábio Veríssimo will find a legitimate defense. And the disciplinary criteria?

Judge Fábio Veríssimo he did not warn the goalkeeper Kritsyuk and none were charged. It should be noted that Portuguese football was one of the first in the world to apply VAR after the Netherlands.

” I hope Nanu is well and will return to the field soon. Given that I was very offended on the internet, I want to explain what happened: I tried to intercept the ball, Nanu and I headed for it. I screamed I was going to the ball. The replay clearly shows that my fists come immediately after Bruno Ramires’ foot. The decision of the referee and the VAR not to execute a penalty confirms my words. The video shows it, I didn’t fly to Nanu with my fists as shown in the photos or in the angles of some videos. He came to me and we hit our heads. There was no evil in my act. I could be the one in Nanu’s place. No one is to blame for what happened. It’s a sport and, unfortunately, sometimes these things happen, “the team goalkeeper wrote Belenenses on Instagram.

Pepe’s reaction after seeing Nanu
