Britney Spears’ ex-husband participated in the Capitol protests

Mexico City.

Jason Allen Alexander, ex-husband of singer Britney Spears, was one of Protesters at Wednesday’s rally on Capitol Hill, into the Washington; while Jamiroquai singer Jay Kay clarified that he was not present, as speculated.

portal TMZ reported that Alexandru, which He was married to the Princess of the People for 55 hours in 2004, she showed him supported by US President Donald Trump, who claims to have won the election.

What has not been verified is yes Alexandru participated in the violent confiscation of the complex, according to TMZ.

In social networks, a photo went viral in which Spears ex wearing a hat with the phrase “Trump 45” in the vicinity of the Washington legislature.

On the other hand, Jay Kay was forced to clarify that he did not participate in the assault, after being compared by social network users with one of the protesters.

One of those present wore a hat similar to the one the singer wears regularly, which led several internet users to establish the relationship between them.

“Some of you may think you saw me last night (Wednesday) at Washington“But I’m afraid I wasn’t with all the crazy people, I just wanted to say it,” the Jamiroquai leader said in a video posted on his Twitter account.

“Happy birthday to all! I haven’t seen you in years. I’m locked up in the UK, thank you so much for all your birthday messages,” he added.

rapper Resident showed his indignation at assault on the Chapter of Trump’s radical supporters.

“The United States lacks wifi only a little slower and accompanies us in the third world …”, he posted on Twitter René Pérez, resident.
