Breath of the Wild 100% speedrun without damage

It took “six months and 100 resets”

Well, with thousands of people still playing Zelda: Breath of the Wild almost every hour of the day, even years after launch: a 100% damage-free race will have to happen at some point! But SpeedDunner JoeDun can claim to be the first to do it.

Announcing the achievement on Twitter, JoeDun told how they did it in the video below. Let’s break it down together.

Here is the set of rules that JoeDun says is extracted from the parameters of the speedrunning community:

  • All heart containers and updates
  • All side missions, main missions and altar missions, and side missions
  • 100% completion of the map (altars, coros, towers)
  • All items in inventory and runes completely updated
  • Purchase all permanent armor

And here’s JoeDun’s “harmless” set of personal rules:

  • Any physical damage is considered damage, even a quarter of a heart or a yellow heart (except for personalized forced damage
  • No recharging after damage, you must reset completely (but you can charge as a precaution before damage)

That’s … a lot to get! Keep in mind that the errors were still a fair game, including the jump of the moon, the heart / resistance of the clogged blind man and the time of day froze the bug. But they still have to erase each … alone … thing listed above without suffering any damage. Hyrule Castle is described as a “personal hell” and is removed very early to obtain items such as the Hylian Shield and a multitude of bows. He was responsible for about 30 rounds lost by himself.

Their new video helps you get through their strategy of conquering the challenge and is a fascinating watch. JoeDun talks about how they not only want to finish the game “as quickly as possible,” but “as safely as possible.” It’s a lot to weigh constantly! And a lot of pressure.
