Boris Johnson’s cycling in London threatens his own blockade in Great Britain

Boris Johnson left on a bike ride in July.

Photographer: Rui Vieira / AFP through Getty Images

Boris Johnson has a new enemy in his struggle to persuade the British public to abide by the rules of the blockade: himself.

On Sunday, the prime minister was seen riding a bicycle with his security officers at East London Olympic Park, 11 km away from its official residence in Westminster.

Government guidelines say that outdoor exercises should be limited and people should stay in their local area. The prime minister and his team warned on Monday that a tougher blockade may be needed if people continue to ignore the restrictions.

The episode, first reported by the capital’s Evening Standard newspaper, it raised a lot of questions at Johnson’s office, which was unable to provide a statement explaining his trip.

Finally, it was up to Health Secretary Matt Hancock to give the prime minister political coverage, saying a 7-mile outing is allowed for an exercise. “It’s okay to go for a long walk or bike ride,” Hancock told a news conference. “But stay local.”


However, Johnson remains open to criticism, and the risks are multiple for a leader whose pandemic strategy has been marked by U-turns in a country that is already taking a weaker approach to coronavirus rules than its neighbors. A succession of British politicians and public figures were caught breaking the blockade at the beginning of the pandemic, prompting some, but not all, to apologize or resign.

The prime minister’s bike ride could undermine his own government’s message that it is a “dangerous” time for the country, with out of control pandemic and hospitals on the verge of being overwhelmed.

Almost 82,000 people in the UK have died of the disease – averaging 926 a day in the past week – and 32,294 are currently being treated in hospital, Hancock said Monday. While 2.2 million people have been vaccinated, more than anywhere else in Europe, ministers have urged the British not to be satisfied.

The UK is facing more difficult blockage restrictions as Covid infections grow

Johnson and his officials spent much of the month appealing to people to abide by the rules of staying at home, except for vital travel, and supported police and supermarkets that adopted a difficult line.

If the public thinks the prime minister is leaning on the guidelines, they may wonder why they should take a responsible approach. This could trigger a new wave of rule violations and make it even worse increase in infections.

Dr Richard Vautrey, chairman of the GP Committee of the British Medical Association, says UK medical professionals are ready to meet vaccination targets, but the supply of vaccines is a big variable.

Johnson is also trying to be a spokesman for his government convinces the UK population to get vaccinated in the coming weeks and months. And that can be harder if its credibility is damaged.

Politically, Johnson’s journey opens him up up to standard double fees. He recalls the most famous example of an alleged violation of the blocking rules, when his former councilor Dominic Cummings drove 250 miles to seek help with childcare at a time when the rest of the country was told to stay home.

Keeping Cummings

When the story broke out in May last year, Johnson blocked loyally by Cummings, refusing to fire him despite a public outcry and calling for his dismissal from senior colleagues in the ruling Conservative Party.

Cummings is now out of government, but officials were worried at the time the damage that the controversy would bring to the public’s observance of the blocking rules. Investigators say Cummings’ trip still appears regularly in focus groups when discussing restrictions.

Some in Johnson’s own party also fear he has had long-term success their perspectives. General elections do not take place until 2024, but local competitions are scheduled for May.

It is not yet clear how much Johnson’s Sunday afternoon bike ride will cause. One question his officials did not answer, for example, is whether he was driven to east London before riding a bicycle.

If more harmful details emerge, the prime minister will face renewed criticism from his own party. Finally, voters may choose to punish him when given the opportunity.
