Bobi Wine, Uganda’s presidential challenger and the arrested team

“Bobi Wine and his entire campaign team have been arrested in Kalangala! The media has been blocked,” the tweet said.

No further details have been made available about their arrest.

Wine challenges incumbent President Yoweri Museveni – who has been in power for more than 30 years – in the January 14th election.
The presidential candidate has accused Museveni of being a dictator responsible for human rights violations, after at least 45 people were killed in protests last month over Wine’s previous arrest for violating coronavirus regulations at a campaign rally.

He said one of his bodyguards was hit and killed on Sunday by a military police truck while the guard was taking a journalist to hospital.

A spokesman for the Ugandan army denied that Wine’s bodyguard had been targeted.

In an interview with CNN earlier this month, Wine said he had been killed almost twice in recent weeks and urged the international community to hold the Ugandan government accountable before next month’s election.

While authorities say restrictions are needed to reduce the spread of Covid-19, members of the opposition and their supporters say they are an excuse to limit pre-election campaigns.

Bobi Wine of Uganda says his bodyguard was

United Nations human rights experts released a statement on Tuesday expressing serious concern about violence ahead of Uganda’s presidential election. They urged the authorities to “end the arrest, detention and judicial harassment of political opponents, civil society leaders and human rights defenders.”

Nicholas Opiyo, a prominent human rights activist, was arrested along with four others on December 23. He is accused of money laundering and will be tried accordingly, according to a statement from the authorities.

“Since the publication of the election guidelines during Covid-19 in June by the Uganda Electoral Commission, we have witnessed a gradual reduction of civic space and the abusive and abusive use of health restrictions to reduce dissent in the country. before the January 14 elections, “UN experts said.
