BioWare cancels Anthem’s processing plans, shifts its focus to Dragon Age and Mass Effect

EA and BioWare canceled it Hymn 2.0 project, canceling plans for what was supposed to be a revitalizing relaunch of the failed online shooter 2019 by BioWare Hymn.

This comes directly from BioWare, which posted a blog post about the decision this afternoon with the note that Hymn, as it exists today, will remain online for the foreseeable future.

“It’s also disappointing for the team that was doing a great job,” said Christian Dailey, director of BioWare Austin Studio. In the full post, Dailey adds that the COVID-19 pandemic has complicated development for many of the studio’s projects, including those already precarious. Hymn.

“For me personally, Hymn that’s what brought me to BioWare, and the last two years have been some of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of my career, “writes Dailey.

Planned as your own approach to a persistent online shooter like Bungie’s Destiny, Hymn released in early 2019 with a multitude of issues and sales well below EA expectations. Shortly after the release, reports of a severe crisis appeared in the studio, along with other details that painted a worrying picture. Hymnpre-launch development.

Despite his reception, the CEO of EA said at the time that the company was not yet ready to reduce its losses. Hymn and by the beginning of 2020 BioWare interrupted its seasonal update plans to work instead on a complete overhaul of the now unhappy game Hymn 2.0 or Anthem Next.

Earlier this month, a Bloomberg report revealed that EA will soon make a decision on whether Hymn 2.0 the project should continue. Following today’s news, Bloomberg reports this separately, according to its sources Hymn 2.0the small team of developers is heading towards it was the dragons team.

“Game development is difficult. Decisions like this are not easy,” Dailey’s BioWare blog post reads. “To move forward, we need to focus our laser efforts on the studio and strengthen the next one it was the dragons, and Mass effect titles while continuing to provide quality updates for Star Wars: The Old Republic. “
