Biden suggests that up to 1.5 million people will be vaccinated every day

President Joe Biden appeared to be raising his target for coronavirus vaccines in his first 100 days in office, suggesting the nation could soon be vaccinating an average of 1.5 million Americans a day.

Biden noted his growing optimism about the pace of vaccines after he signed an executive order to boost government purchases from US manufacturers. It was one of Biden’s many actions during his first full week to show that he is taking swift action to heal a ailing economy, as talks with Congress on a $ 1.9 trillion stimulus package show little sign of progress. showed.

Biden reiterated that he believes the country is in a precarious situation and that assistance is urgently needed, even though he ruled out the possibility of passing a reduced bill to ensure faster transit. Features of the incentive plan include a national vaccination program, assistance in reopening schools, direct payments of $ 1,400 to individuals, and financial assistance to state and local governments.

“Time is of the essence,” Biden said. “I hesitate to select and publish one or two articles here.”

Biden’s new vaccination goal comes after he and his assistants criticized the target of 100 million people vaccinated in their first 100 days in the office. The United States has surpassed the rate of 1 million doses per day in the past week.

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