Ben Affleck’s meme that best summarizes 2020 and early 2021

Ben Affleck is one of the iconic actors of Hollywood, who could forget her beautiful performance in the movie?Pearl Harbor“Where he becomes a war hero or when he’s the red demon in the feature film where he gives life”Daredevil“But last year stood out not only for its good performance.

And certainly, if you’re one of those people who has been home most of the year, you’ve probably had enough time to see some of Ben Affleck’s films, such as “ArgoWhich made him get it Oscar for best film and best original screenplay in 2012.

Ben Affleck and the donuts

But you’ve certainly seen the funny scenes in which the American actor played Ben Affleck outside his residence in Los Angeles, California, where he did everything he could to avoid throwing away a box of donuts and more coffee, probably to share with his partner, Ana de Armas.

And it is that, according to Twitter users, that photo of the actor from “Dangerous attractionBen Affleck, where he is seen with a look of frustration because he wants to keep control and that he ends up slipping out of his hands is how people felt in the year that just ended.

And the users of the bluebird network have decided to remember the last day of 2020 with that iconic image of Ben Affleck fighting against any odds to hold those coffees and donuts in their hands, despite the frustration felt by the presence of the virus in the world.

So yes, it seems we all feel identified Ben Affleck And yes, we all feel that our 2020 can be summed up in that series of photos in which we fight passionately not to give up drinks, just as we fight not to let our lives fall apart in the face of change.

The Britney signal of ben Affleck

That’s not all, Ben Affleck returned refreshed, because after being caught several times since leaving the house for supplies, the former partner of Jennifer Accumulate He decided to greet the reporters who prostrate outside his mansion “kindly” to catch him in moments that generate reactions towards fans.

These new photos immediately created several memes in which internet users indicated that they started the year with mood Ben Affleck, already tired, stressed, hating everyone and sending “affectionate” greetings to all, very in style Britney Spears.

Especially because, although vaccination has begun, there is still no date to be seen for the end of imprisonment and restrictive health measures, so it can continue for a few more months, so no doubt Ben Affleck it seems to perfectly sum up our end 2020 and our beginning 2021.
