Belinda corrects Christian Nodal because she didn’t know her song

Belinda and Christian Nodal turned out to be a couple full of lots of love, but above all very funny, as we have seen in the moments they shared with their followers.

One of the most recent occurred during a live broadcast What did the couple do to start the year, where Beli scolded her boyfriend because he didn’t know the lyrics of his song ‘The mamacita‘.

In the clip you can see the couple very affectionate and singing, but Nodal said “hurry it” instead of “hurry up“, so Belinda did not hesitate correct it immediately and clarified: “Don’t rush him!“.

This funny, famous moment collision which the singer had with Ha * Ash in the program ‘I get up‘around 2015.

At the time, Belinda was one of them invited to reality so Hanna and Ashley’s students said a song of hers, but they made a mistake in the lyrics of the song, a situation that upset Beli a lot.

belinda vs ha ash
