Beatriz Luengo defends Yotuel after Cuban government calls him “jinetero”

1 | 19/02/2021 – 20:22 (GMT-4)

Spanish singer Beatriz Luengo, the wife of the Cuban artist Yotuel rosemary, appeared in defense of his partner after Cuban government officials they will call him “jinetero”, as part of the multiple attacks that the ruling party has launched against the song Homeland and life and its interpreters.

The Cuban government calls Yotuel “jinetero” because he was married to me and was Spanish. He has already insulted him by calling him a “black boy with shoe polish.” This does not define Yotuel, the rulers of the Cuban government. This defines you that they have nothing more to say about a man who only made music, art and representation for his people, “Luengo wrote on his Instagram profile.

The actress also assured that, although she likes to lead a quiet life with her family and dedicate herself to her career, “she does not allow insult to family or injustice” and “they found the wrong person because I am not afraid of them. “

Luengo, who besides being married to the Cuban artist, is very much loved in Cuba for her music and especially for her series One step ahead, said that she shared that unpleasant news on her social networks, so that all the people who follow her from different parts of the world can see what the Cuban government is capable of against someone who exercises only the right to freedom of expression.

“What you’re doing is slandering racist and contemptuous lies and comments. On the other hand, my husband doesn’t need to invent anything about your lives, just say what his people are going through for you to get so angry.”, Detained.

“And look how wonderful and wonderful the TRUTH is that not only did they share the song from the European Parliament, but that all the media around the world, music lists and Cuban tears support the words of @yotuel @gentedezona @ descemerbueno. I would like to know what you support them, “he said.

The crime referred to by Beatriz Luengo, “jinetero”, was published on the networks of the Cuban Warrior, an incognito person who acts as a spokesman for the ruling party and spreads defamation campaigns, gossip and crimes against Cubans who pose a threat to government., for the defense and expression of their ideas and the demand for their rights.

The publication called Maykel Osorbo “delinquent”, Gente de Zona as “riffraff” and Descemer Bueno “drug addict” and indicated that “God creates them and jinetero unites them” with an image of Yotuel in the background, which was the main organizer of Homeland and life.

Guerrero’s publication was shared by supporters of the Cuban regime, officials and even the communications director of the Ministry of Culture, Alexis Triana.

Despite attacks by the Cuban government and the official media, which are trying to distort the message of the play and defame its exponents, Homeland and life had a resounding success and In less than 72 hours, his video has surpassed one million views on YouTube and promoted a challenge on social media, under which many shared their photos with the phrase written on their bodies.

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