Barcelona will pay Messi 39 million, regardless of whether or not he stays at the club, according to “El Mundo”

BARCELONA – Barcelona must pay Lionel Messi on July 15, two weeks after the end of the current season, an additional bonus of 38 million 964 thousand 977 euros as a loyalty prize for remaining at the club until February 1, 2020 and it is the second part of the first payment he already received for the same concept on March 31 last year, in full alarm and with football and all activities suspended due to closure.

The Argentine star, who concludes her contract on June 30 and has already revealed that she will not decide her future until then, could thus receive a last payment from Barça even if she does not belong to the club if she leaves.

The information, published on Monday by the newspaper El Mundo, is a continuation of the one offered on Sunday in which all salary concepts from the last contract signed by the Argentine player in November 2017 were revealed and which motivated his advisers to study filing a complaint against publication for disclosure of a confidential document.

The payment of these almost 39 million euros, which will have to face the new president who came out of the polls on March 7, is added to the 266 million that the club must give to the banks at the end of the season and at some point , taking into account the economic report that was launched last week and which figures its total debt at 1,173 million euros, of which 730 are short-term.

Barcelona, ​​unlike the day before, did not comment on the newspaper’s information, resulting from the initial leak, while Messi’s environment, consulted by ESPN Deportes, did not want to comment on what was published.

When the Argentine footballer sent the bureaufax to the club in August, requesting his immediate departure, he said he was giving up any fees he was due to receive this season, although it could not be confirmed whether that second part of the loyalty payment was included in that resignation … that, in fact, once his stay in Barcelona was confirmed, it was confirmed.
