Barbara de Regil shares photos in a bikini | THE IMPARTIAL

MEXICO CITY.- Barbara de Regil has managed to form a career as an actress, where she has been recognized nationally, but in recent months, since the Covid-19 pandemic began, she has managed to gain millions of followers on her account. Instagram.

And it is that the famous influencer managed to be an inspiration for his fans, with the wonderful example he set with his eating habits and his dedication to exercise, which due to this fact managed to have an enviable figure, by many women.

On this occasion, through the temporary stories on Instagram, the artist published a series of photos in which she appears posing from the beach, but in a bikini, which allows her figure to be seen.

Those who speak behind you are there, BEHIND ”wrote the actress.

In one of her photos, Barbara appears posing and reveals her abdomen marked with a “selfie”, while in the other she appears upside down and reveals a little of her buttocks.

Certainly, the reactions of her millions of followers have been allowed to arrive and they are always tasked with reminding the actress how beautiful she looks in her photos.

Barbara de Regil was so worried about the health of her fans that she even created her own protein to motivate them to eat it so that they could eat and eat what their body needed.

In addition, as if that were not enough, she offered free virtual exercise classes, in which she was accompanied by her daughter Mar de Regil, who also does each of her routines, the goal is that her followers do not stop. exercising especially in this time of pandemic.

On this note
